Married in 1987. Graduated from Winona State University 1988 with a B.S. in Paralegal. Daughter Hannah born 1992. Divorced in 1994. I enjoy 50% joint custody of my daughter. Remarried in 1997 to wife Connie.
By day, I am a Senior Investigator with 16 years experience in the Minnesota Department of Commerce. I love the challenge of investigating and regulating the collection industry. I am the sole investigator in this area and serve on national regulatory boards.
By night, I am an auctioneer with 16 years experience. I cut my teeth doing estate and collectible sales, but for the last eight years have specialized in fundraising and motivational auctions. I personally conduct 50 auctions per year (primarily in the Twin Cities with some national work) and manage 30 more auctions for four associate auctioneers. I currently serve as the Vice President of the Minnesota State Auctioneers Association and have been a presenter for national panel discussions. I am a certified instructor at Continental Auctioneers School, write a monthly column for a national auction publication, and have experience in commercial television and voice work for radio. In addition to auction work, I act as master of ceremonies at corporate meetings and local and national conventions.
I am still in awe of my daughter and find that the most rewarding part of my life is being a Dad and a husband. Nothing else really matters. I hunt with my two Labs as much as I can; love fishing, cooking, gardening, travel and embarrassing my daughter.
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